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Know Him: Who Is God?

Published 4/29/19

Read Numbers 23:19

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?


• How can you learn more about God?

• Do you believe what the Bible says about the Lord?

• What steps can you take to grow closer to Him?

It's hard to trust someone we don't know. So the first step in trusting God is getting to know Him. So, who is God? He is our Creator (see Isaiah 40:28)--you can relax knowing He understands how you're wired, because He did the wiring. He knows about the aches and pains, and He gets it that sometimes you just need to stay in bed a little longer. He is our Defender (see Psalm 68:5). When you're facing opposition, know that He has your back and will handle your enemies. What's your responsibility? To rest in His peace.

Need guidance? He is our lamp (see Psalm 119:105). He will light the pathway before you so you won't stumble through the dark areas of life. He is a God of love (see John 3:16). Love defines Him. He willingly died for your sins. There's absolutely nothing you can do that will make Him stop loving you. He will always love you. Again, it's who He is. There's also nothing you can do that will make God love you any more than He does right now. He loves you intimately. Ultimately. Supremely. There's no earning it, and there's no deserving it. None of us will ever measure up to it. But we can thank Him for His supreme love by obeying Him (see John 14:23). Living a life of obedience to God delights Him.

He is also forever (see Psalm 102:12). That means you don't need to worry about Him leaving, dying, or moving. You can count on Him. He is righteous (see Psalm 145:17). And one who is righteous is trustworthy, dependable, and loyal. He is not going to leave you.


Lord Jesus, I want to know You better. Reveal Yourself to me. Speak to me and guide me. Help me to grow closer to You.


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