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Rekindling Spiritual Lives On Campus

Kaitlyn, a 20-year-old college student, shared how God is speaking to her through goTandem, rekindling her faith. Here’s what happened:

“I just wanted to thank you for all of the messages you send me through goTandem. I went for a while without checking them … and now I have about 400 on my phone! A few weeks back, I tapped on one of them and began to read the verses. I couldn’t stop. I read another, and another after that. Before I knew it, God got ahold of my heart. He began speaking to me … drawing me back to Him. Each Scripture is so perfect—exactly what I needed. Now I’m trying to find ways to live out my purpose for God. The Scripture I receive through goTandem is showing me what I ought to be doing; what I should focus on in life. God’s timing is amazing and incredible … and I thank Him for you and these messages that you unceasingly send out.”


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