"Excellent fact filling message."
Articles and other resources that help you move closer to Jesus, experience a transformed life, and become a biblically engaged disciple-maker.
"Thank you Brian for explaining that so well I am so encouraged by that"
There is so much advice and help on here it's so very nice to be able to talk with others on here...
"What a Godincidence this morning brings through this writing of a validation of truth for me!"
" I would love for everyone to experience God's perfect love! His amazing grace!"
Thank You For Spiritual Lift Today!
"Thank you so much for this encouragement for me to get into the word of God everyday..."
On Spiritual Encouragement Series
"Thanks Arnie, these encouragements are just what I need at this time in my life."
On 'Life After Death' Bible Teaching
Daily Devotionals Inside Bible Engagement App
"This is literally a God-send..."
"...I know I can definitely use some daily encouragement!..."
"Thank you, Arnie! I need this so much in my life right now! I am excited to Win The Day!"
"...I have read a few of your posts on goTandem and have used them to improve my spiritual growth."
"Thank you, Arnie, for welcoming me on this journey..."