"I always loved BACK TO THE BIBLE..."
Articles and other resources that help you move closer to Jesus, experience a transformed life, and become a biblically engaged disciple-maker.
"Thank you for your faithful ministry for the Lord for many decades..."
"Thanks for being available in so many means. I really appreciate your outreach efforts."
"Love you for sending me these messages they lift me up every morning thank you very much!"
"...Thank you for remaining an instrument of hope!"
"This is a great tool to continue the fun with, stay in The Word and learn more!.."
"I thank you for impacting my life and may God continue to bless your ministry."
"This devotional is spot on what I need in the journey to healing I'm on with my family."
"I get a lot of spiritual lift from what I already have downloaded on my email. Thank you!"
"A wonderful post! Thank you Holy Spirit Praise You Father God!..."
"I am thankful for Pastor Nate, he make all scriptures clear and meaningful."
"This devotional is a Divine appointment..."
"I do like your devotion it helps to remind us that God is there for us."
"I hope and pray that God will continue to bless your radio ministry through the coming year!..."
"I enjoy your broadcast so much. It lifts my spirit in an otherwise stressful day..."
"Thank you for Pastor Wiersbe's ministry to me via books & tapes.."
"...this program always gets me focused back on God's Word and answers for every situation..."
"Thank you all at BTTB for everything that you do to bring God's word to all who need it most..."
"Back to the Bible has been a familiar and helpful ministry in my life in the past..."
"...It is admirable that you are 'moving with the times'. Be safe! God bless you all!"