Read Psalm 132:11-18
God did not permit King David to build Him a house. Instead, He did just the opposite; He built a house for David. God said, "David, I am not going to build you a physical house but a house made of people. There will always be one of your descendants on the throne of Israel."
He also said some things about David's children. "If your sons will keep My covenant and My testimony which I shall teach them, their sons also shall sit upon your throne forevermore. For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation" (vv. 12,13).
There is an application here for God's children. He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). Jesus said, "You did not choose Me, but I chose you" (John 15:16). What a high and holy privilege! We were chosen to be God's children. "Beloved, now we are children of God" (I John 3:2). What a wonderful calling! Paul tells us we also reign in life (Rom. 5:17). God wants us to reign as kings, even as David's children did. We reign through obedience and holiness.
God wants us to reign in righteousness for His glory. Because we are His children through faith in Jesus Christ, we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. Therefore, let's be clothed with salvation. Let's shout for joy!
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Someday believers will reign with Christ in His kingdom. But today He wants you to reign in life. Do you reign in life with Christ? As you obey the Word of God and keep your heart pure, you become a king. Don't live beneath your spiritual station in life. Be a king!
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