Published 2/5/20
Read Psalm 73:23-26
"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
In what ways is God the strength of your heart? (Please explain.)
When challenges hit, how do you respond? Instead of staying bitter and living in a survivor mode, are you willing to begin a journey of getting to know God?
My friend Terri realized she had a choice to make. (Remember her story from yesterday's devotion?) She could treat God as a harsh villain, angrily gritting her teeth while stumbling through her day alone, or she could lean on the One who longed to comfort her, help her, and give her peace. It wasn't an overnight fix. The process of learning to lean on the "God of all grace" came excruciatingly slow. As difficult as Terri found yielding to be, with each cry of surrender her aching heart would declare, Okay, Lord Jesus, I accept Your will for me today. I'm weak ... I'm grasping hold of Your strength.
When Terri offered herself to God in this way, He drew near with His strength. Through encouraging calls and lunch with gentle friends who listened without judging, notes in the mail, timely radio programs, or simply time to be alone with Him, God revealed His presence and love.
Although there are times when Terri needs to re-surrender herself to God, she has found that the secret to experiencing His strength comes in trusting Him daily in the struggles that emerge. One day at a time.
No longer was God distant and hard to reach. He hadn't abandoned her or left her in another country while He got on with His ministry. And He did see right where she was. Terri finally began to experience the reality of Psalm 73:28: "But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works."
Lord Jesus, You are trustworthy and I praise You. Help me to draw close to You during times of trouble. Amen.