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GIFT PLANNING AND GENEROUS LIVING: Biblical Financial Principles

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work with the Back to the Bible Foundation is helping people make a lasting impact through thoughtful gift and estate planning. Our tax laws provide powerful tools that can significantly enhance the giving process.

Two recent stories are inspiring.

Harvesting for the Lord

A young couple, balancing the demands of farming and raising a family, reached out to learn how they could support ministries they care about with their harvest. “Can soybeans, corn, or livestock really be gifts?” they asked. The answer is a resounding yes!

After exploring how a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) could work for them, we set up an agreement tailored to their needs. A few months later, the farmer called to let us know a truckload of grain was on its way to town. He instructed the grain elevator to designate a portion of that load to the Back to the Bible Foundation.

Because the crop now belonged to the Foundation, it could be sold, with the proceeds going into the DAF. This approach allowed the farmer to recognize the expenses of growing the

crop while avoiding the income from the sale. The DAF's flexibility allowed them to give the crop at a tax-wise time and decide later how to divide the ministry gifts. We handled all the details, making it easy for them to focus on their passion for giving.

Simplifying a Legacy

Another family approached us, looking to simplify their lives as they planned for retirement. Whether it’s for aligning their estate plan or optimizing taxes, a DAF can offer

many benefits. After discussing their goals, they decided to transfer a rental property.

By deeding the property to the Foundation, they allowed our professional team to manage the

sale and all the associated details. They had the option to invest the proceeds within the DAF and make distributions over several years, but they chose to distribute the funds more quickly

to see the immediate impact on their favorite ministries. While the tax savings were significant,

the real joy came from witnessing the difference their gifts made in advancing the Lord’s work.

Biblical Financial Principles

Unlocking Capital Gains Savings

These stories some biblical financial principles and illustrate how a DAF can meet the unique needs of each family. Beyond crops and real estate, a DAF can also receive stocks, mutual funds, or other appreciated assets. It can even function as a personal foundation, providing flexibility in how you give, whether during your lifetime or through your estate plan.

Please call 402-464-7200 with your

questions. We’ll be glad to help you

learn without pressure or obligation.

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