As his share is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his share be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall share alike.
1 SAMUEL 30:24 (R. V.)
WORSHIP or service,--which? Ah, that is best
To which He calls us, be it toil or rest,--
To labor for Him in life's busy stir,
Or seek His feet, a silent worshipper.
LET us no more yearn for present employment when God's providence bids us "be still," than we would think it good to yearn after cessation while God bids work. Shall we not miss a blessing if we call rest a weariness and a discontent, no less than if we called God's work a thankless labor? If we would be holy in body and spirit, shall we not keep smooth brow, light heart, whether He bids us serve His table, or wait our summons?
He who acts with a view to please God alone, wishes to have that only which it pleases God that he should have, and at the time and in the way which may be most agreeable to Him: and, whether he have it or not, he is equally tranquil and contented, because in either case he obtains his wish, and fulfills his intention, which was no other than purely to please God.
This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.