Read Psalm 103:6-12
We usually praise the Lord for something He has done for us. Today, let's thank the Lord for something He has not done. "He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities" (v. 10).
Everyone knows the plague of his heart--not only the occasional sins but those that try to get us into bondage. What's more, God knows all about it, too. In fact, He knows our sins better than we do. God sees the origin and the outcome of our sins. One reason He hates sin so much is that He is holy, and He sees where sin leads. James tells us that lust, when it conceives, produces sin. And then sin, when it's full-grown, produces death (1:15). Sin is pictured as an evil pregnancy.
But the psalmist says that God "has not dealt with us according to our sins." On what basis does He deal with us? On the basis of the cross, the grace of God. Jesus Christ died for our sins, and God forgives them through the blood of His Son. We can come to Him and ask Him to forgive any sin.
But the knowledge that God does not deal with you the way you deserve to be dealt with should not tempt you to tempt Him. Do not be fast and loose with sin. Hate sin, and rejoice today that you're walking with the Father on the basis of the cross of Jesus Christ.
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Rejoice today that God does not deal with you according to your sin but according to the cross of Jesus Christ. Your forgiveness comes at a great cost. The next time you're tempted to sin, consider its wages and cost. You are greatly indebted to Christ, so live to please Him.
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