Published 2/10/20
Read 1 Peter 3:12
"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
Do you believe God hears your prayers? (Why or why not?)
If God can see you, He can hear you. He hears your prayers, and even if you can't get a word out, He understands your tears and sighs. If it's in the middle of the night and no one is around to care for you, God is there with you. He's not slumbering or sleeping even if the rest of the world is (Psalm 121:4). What good news--we are not alone. We are not forgotten. We are known and loved by the Lord!
Here is a way to get a fresh glimpse of this aspect of God: Reflect on times when you feel invisible, discounted, forgotten. What triggers in you a sense that God has left you or is too busy with His work in the universe to care about your problems? For some, it could be a tragedy that altered a life or a family. For another person, it might be a divorce, a loss of someone she loves, a financial reversal, or a job layoff. Bring these past or present experiences to God and tell Him you want to regain your spiritual eyesight and a sense of His presence. Then meditate on the whole of Psalm 139; Matthew 10:29-30; and Acts 17:28.
Lord, give me the courage to bring everything to You. Give me peace of knowing You hear my prayers. Amen.