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Writer's pictureJanette

Invest in Reaching Others and Equipping Disciple Makers

Most of us, and we’re certainly not proud of it, play a role in the great omission of Matthew 28:19. Simply put, when Jesus says, “Go ye…” we substitute “send thee not me.”

Or worse, we get mad about it. I miss a friend in this spiritual battle who would angrily proclaim, “The church is hopelessly broken and beyond repair” as justification for not trying to be a part of the solution. Many may feel that way, too, but we're not called to

take the easy way out in avoiding the church's failures and struggles.

Or certain friends suggest solving the great omission this way, “We need to offer another course on discipleship so that everybody can better understand.” To them, I want to respond, “Dude, these are mature believers who know Jesus the very most. Equipping isn’t the problem.”

I know Revealing is intimidating. It’s not about knowing more when we already know so much as mature believers. The solution is more about taking a deep breath, stepping out in

faith and trusting that the Holy Spirit will give us the words, compassion or whatever is needed in the moment.

In 2024, when you partner with Back to the Bible, you are voting with your gift for us to do everything possible to win people with the Gospel. You also vote to help us challenge and

equip more Christ Followers to become disciple makers—looking for opportunities and acting on them as God provides.

Onward together!

Arnie Cole, CEO

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