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Learning to Listen: A Guide to Hearing God's Voice

Writer: Arnie ColeArnie Cole

“Does God still speak today? And if He does, how do I know it’s really Him?” If you’ve ever asked these questions, you’re asking some of the most important questions of the Christian life. Many believers struggle with uncertainty about hearing God’s voice.


Even though I’ve been a Christian for many years now and lead a Christian organization, I still sometimes wrestle with knowing God’s will in a given situation. Do you feel the same way? We read about biblical figures who received clear divine guidance, but our own experience often feels less dramatic. We wonder if we’re missing something or if God has simply gone quiet in our modern age.

A woman listening to someone on the phone

The good news is that God is still very much in the business of communicating with His people. While burning bushes and audible voices may be rare, God speaks in ways that are no less real or meaningful. Learning to recognize and respond to God's voice isn’t reserved for spiritual elites—it's available to every Christian who seeks Him with a sincere heart.


How God Typically Speaks Today


Before we explore the “how-to” of listening to God, let’s clarify what we’re listening for. Respected evangelical theologian J.I. Packer reminds us that “God has spoken, and continues to speak, to us through the Scriptures.” While God is certainly capable of extraordinary communication, He most commonly speaks to us in the following ways:


  1. Through Scripture: The Bible is God’s primary means of communication with us. As theologian Kevin DeYoung writes, "The word of God is the voice of God." Scripture is not merely a historical document but "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12), speaking into our current circumstances with timeless truth.

  2. Through the Holy Spirit's inner promptings: The Holy Spirit, who dwells within every believer, guides us through gentle internal nudges, impressions, and convictions. These always align with Scripture and often come during prayer or meditation on God’s Word.

  3. Through wise counsel: God frequently speaks through mature believers who know His Word well. When multiple godly counselors provide similar guidance, it’s often an indication of God’s direction.

  4. Through circumstances: While we should be careful not to over-spiritualize every event, God can use circumstances to confirm direction or redirect our paths. As Pastor Timothy Keller notes, “God's guidance often comes as a pattern of closed and open doors over time.”

  5. Through an informed conscience: A conscience shaped by Scripture and prayer becomes increasingly reliable at discerning God's will in specific situations.


Practical Steps for Listening to God


Now that we understand how God typically speaks, let's explore some practical habits that can help us hear Him more clearly:


1. Create space for listening


Silence and solitude are essential prerequisites for hearing God’s voice. In our noisy, distracted world, we rarely create the conditions necessary for deep listening. Start with just 10-15 minutes of quiet time dedicated to seeking God without an agenda. Eugene Peterson calls this “unhurried attentiveness”—giving God our full attention without rushing to the next activity.

Try this: Find a quiet place, turn off all electronic devices, and simply sit in God’s presence. Begin with a simple prayer: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:10).


2. Immerse yourself in Scripture


Since God speaks primarily through His Word, biblical literacy is crucial for discerning His voice. As you read Scripture, approach it not just as information to be gathered but as a living conversation with God. Ask questions like:


  • What does this passage reveal about God’s character?

  • Is there a promise, command, or principle to embrace?

  • How might this truth apply to my current situation?


Pastor Timothy Keller suggests a helpful practice: “Read a passage slowly several times. Listen for the word or phrase that catches your attention, then ask God why this stands out and what He might be saying to you through it.”


3. Journal your thoughts and prayers


Writing helps clarify our thinking and creates a record of our journey with God. Many Christians throughout history have kept spiritual journals as a way of processing what they believe God is saying. As you write your prayers and reflections, you may find patterns emerging that help you recognize God’s voice more clearly.


Bible teacher Beth Moore explains, “When I look back over my journals, I can often see God's hand and hear His voice much more clearly than I could in the moment. The pattern of His faithfulness becomes evident.”


4. Practice discernment


Not every thought or impression is from God. Scripture calls us to “test everything” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) and to discern what is truly from Him. Here are some reliable filters for testing what you believe you're hearing:


  • Does it align with Scripture? God will never contradict His written Word.

  • Does it promote love for God and others? (Matthew 22:37-39)

  • Does it produce good fruit? (Galatians 5:22-23)

  • Would mature believers affirm it? Seek counsel when in doubt.

  • Does it bring peace rather than confusion? (1 Corinthians 14:33)


Reformed pastor and author R.C. Sproul emphasized, “The Spirit never leads contrary to the Word but always through the Word.”


5. Start with obedience in small things

Often, we want to hear God’s direction for major life decisions while ignoring what He’s already clearly told us in Scripture. Begin by faithfully obeying what you already know from God’s Word. Jesus taught that further light comes to those who act on the light they have: “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me... and I will love them and reveal myself to them” (Jn 14:21).


As Presbyterian theologian Sinclair Ferguson notes, “The secret of hearing God's voice is not a technique but a relationship nurtured through obedience.”


6. Be patient and persistent


Learning to recognize God’s voice is more like learning a language than following a formula. It takes time, practice, and sometimes making mistakes. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t experience dramatic breakthroughs immediately. God is more interested in developing an ongoing relationship with you than in providing quick answers.


Anglican priest John Stott wrote, “God has not promised to reveal His will to our curiosity, but He has promised to guide those who are humble and obedient.”


Common Obstacles to Hearing God


Several barriers can interfere with our ability to hear God clearly:


  • Unconfessed sin: Sin creates static in our spiritual communication. Regular confession keeps the lines clear (Ps 66:18).

  • Busyness and distraction: A cluttered schedule leads to a cluttered mind. Margin in our lives creates space for listening.

  • Preconceived ideas: Sometimes, we’re so certain of what we want God to say that we miss what He's actually saying.

  • Fear of surrender: We may unconsciously avoid listening because we’re afraid of what God might ask us to do.

  • Expecting the spectacular: When we focus only on dramatic guidance, we miss God’s ordinary, daily communication.


Moving Forward: A Balanced Approach


Developing a listening relationship with God requires both structure and spontaneity. Set aside regular times for prayer and Scripture reading, but also remain attentive throughout your day. God may speak during your commute, while washing dishes, or in conversation with a friend.


Remember that God is more eager to speak than we are to listen. As Jesus promised, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (Jn 10:27). With practice and patience, you’ll become increasingly familiar with the Shepherd’s voice.


Theologian Dallas Willard offers this encouragement: “Hearing God is not a matter of getting special messages or instructions. It’s a matter of increasingly taking on God’s character and perspective, which happens as we walk with Him daily.”


Start today. Create space, open Scripture, and pray simply: “Lord, I'm listening.” Then trust that the God who created communication desires a relationship with you and will, in His perfect way and timing, speak into your life.


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