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Writer's pictureAlisha Kallatch

Meditating on God's Word

By: Arnie Cole and Michael Ross

Today's passage

Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.


-Am I pondering God's Word--meditating on it and committing it to memory?

-What is holding me back from memorizing Scripture? Fear? Laziness? Intimidation?

-What's one step I can take today that will help me keep God's Word top- of-mind throughout the day?

It's one thing to commit to reading the Bible several times a week, and it's another thing to read it slowly and thoughtfully to discern what message God might intend for us. The writer of this psalm takes Scripture reading a step further, suggesting that we "meditate on it all day long." Yet repeating a verse or Biblical phrase throughout the day doesn't necessarily need to be a daunting task. In fact it can serve as a tool that helps to keep us calm and level-headed as we face crises, navigate problems, or make tough decisions. God's Word makes us wise, but true wisdom goes beyond simply absorbing facts and information; true wisdom means living and acting on what we read.


Ask for Change: Lord, I admit, I've been reluctant to carry your Word with me in my heart and mind throughout the day. I read the Bible, and then I tend to leave what I've read behind as I go about the rest of my day. Please help me keep Your Word with me always.

Consider what's real: If "meditating on God's Word all day long" sounds a bit monk-like, don't despair; it doesn't need to be that difficult. Try choosing one short verse that speaks to you personally, and then write that verse on a handful of index cards. Place the cards in various spots--on your car dashboard, next to your computer, taped to the bathroom mirror, propped against the coffee maker--and as you go about your day, glance at the cards and repeat the verse to yourself. Before long you'll have it memorized, and you'll be amazed at how relevant that single verse is in your everyday life.

Additional verses to consider: Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2-3

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