As we proceed through March, we find ourselves in a season of preparation. Just as we prepare our homes for spring, we also prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter—the ultimate reminder of God’s love, grace, and victory over sin and death.
In these articles from the March newsletter, you’ll find encouragement to nourish your faith

through Scripture, just as we nourish our bodies (see Arnie Cole’s reflection on The Bible: Our Primary Source of Spiritual Nourishment). You’ll also read inspiring stories of faith in action—like Doug’s bold step of obedience to help someone in need, and Vicky’s unshakable trust in God during her daughter’s health crisis. These stories remind us that Easter isn’t just a day—it’s a daily call to live out the Gospel in word and deed.
As we anticipate Resurrection Sunday, let’s take time to reflect on how we can draw closer to Christ. Maybe that’s through Scripture engagement, acts of kindness, or even sharing your testimony. However God leads you, may this season be one of renewal, gratitude, and deeper faith.
Onward in Christ,
Bryon Swanson, Editor
PS: Be sure to check out all of the great Bible teaching content at or, from your mobile device, click this link GOtandem.