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Righteous and Upright in Heart

Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.

PSALMS 17:11

SUN of the soul, Thou light divine,

Around and in us brightly shine,

To strength and gladness wake us.

Where Thou shinest, life from heaven

There is given; we before Thee

For that precious gift implore Thee.


THAT is what our sacrifice of ourselves should be--"full of life." Not desponding, morbid, morose; not gloomy chilly, forbidding; not languid, indolent, in­active; but full of life, and warmth, and energy; cheer­ful, and making others cheerful; gay, and making others gay; happy, and making others happy; con­tented, and making others contented; doing good, and making others do good, by our lively vivid vitality,--filling every corner of our own souls and bodies, filling every corner of the circle in which we move, with the fresh life-blood of a warm, genial, kindly Christian heart. Doubtless this requires a sacrifice; it requires us to give up our own comfort, our own ease, our own firesides, our dear solitude, our own favorite absorb­ing pursuits, our shyness, our reserve, our pride, our selfishness.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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