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Seek the Lord and His Strength

Seek the LORD, and His strength: seek His face evermore.

O JESUS CHRIST, grow Thou in me,

And all things else recede;

My heart be daily nearer Thee,

From sin be daily freed.

Make this poor self grow less and less,

Be Thou my life and aim;

Oh, make me daily, through Thy grace,

More worthy of Thy name.


AS, on rising, we should hear Him saying to us, "Take this yoke upon thee, my child, to-day," "Bear this burden for me and with me to-day," so, before retiring to rest, and collecting our mind for our evening prayer, it were well to put these questions to our conscience, "Have I, in a single instance this day, denied myself either in temper or appetite, and so submitted myself to the Saviour's yoke?" And again, "Have I, in a single instance, shown sympathy or considerateness for others, borne with their faults or infirmities of character, given time or taken trouble to help them, or be of use to them?" If so, I have gained ground; I have made an advance in the mind of Christ to-day, if it be

only a single step. Let me thank God, and take courage. A single step is so much clear gain.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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