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Thrive: Growing True Faith

Read Hosea 6

"Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn;he will come to us as the showers,as the spring rains that water the earth."Hosea 6:3, ESV


  • What must I do to return to the Lord and begin to acknowledge Him again?

  • Is there a particular sin in my life that is inhibiting me from pursuing true communion with God?

  • What can I do to press on in pursuit of the Lord in times of spiritual drought?

Sometimes it seems as if God is slow to appear, even when it feels like we are pursuing Him wholeheartedly. Why isn't God answering my prayers? we might wonder. "Why don't I feel close to God right now?" we might ask. It may be that a sin in our life has opened a chasm between us and God. Perhaps we need to be honest with ourselves, and with Him, by confessing this sin and asking for forgiveness. On the other hand, there are also times when we simply don't know what is separating us from God. He feels absent, distant. We feel spiritually frustrated and empty, yet we don't know why. In these times, God urges us to press on in faith, to persevere, continuing to acknowledge Him and trusting that He will appear again in good time.

The disciple Paul knew that living the Christian life is a journey of endurance. He knew that faith isn't always easy, that sometimes it feels like a long, hard race. In his letter to the Philippians Paul admits that sometimes this journey requires "straining" in order to "press on toward the goal." Yet Paul was also confident that God will appear, and that in the end, the reward will be well-worth the effort: "The Lord Jesus Christ ... will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." (Philippians 3:21).


Lord, thank You for being always present and always with me, even when I may not be able to see You or hear You. Fortify my spirit and give me the strength to press on in pursuit of You.


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