Read Psalm 47:1-9
Our praise of God is a timeless act of worship. We can look at this psalm from three different points in time. First, we can view it from the historic past. This is one of three psalms that highlight Hezekiah's great victory over Sennacherib (Ps. 46-8). What did the Lord do for the people of Judah? He came down (vv. 1-4), went up (v. 5) and sat down (vv. 8,9). This is a picture of what the Lord did for us: He came to earth to die for our sins, was resurrected and is now seated in heaven.
We also can view this psalm from the prophetic future. Israel has yet to go through the time of Jacob's trouble. But Jesus will come down and win the victory (Rev. 19), and Israel will enter into the glorious praises of the Lord. Today all the nations rage, but in the future they will praise Him. Jesus will come and establish His kingdom and keep His promise to Abraham to multiply his descendants so that they are innumerable.
Or we can view this psalm from the practical present. To worship God means to render to Him all the praise and adoration of our heart--a total response of all we are for all that He is. This psalm gives us hints about worship. First, the center of our worship is God (v. 1). We worship a victorious God. Second, the purpose of our worship is to exalt Him (v. 9). We are to magnify His greatness. Praise is a witness as well as an experience of worship. Let's exalt the Lord, for He is worthy of our praise.
Praising God knows no time boundaries. His people always have and always will praise Him. We praise God to exalt Him and to magnify His greatness. Do you worship Him with praise?
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