Published 11/4/19
By Greg Johnson
What If...
You’re home alone on a Saturday afternoon. We have taken your brother to a birthday party and then are going to do a little shopping. We said we wouldn’t be gone long.
Since you rarely get the chance to be alone in the middle of the day, you feel like you should take advantage of the freedom. So you go into the kitchen to get a soda and some chips, then head down to the living room to watch some TV. About an hour later, you’re back up to the kitchen again to get some ice cream. A while later, it’s peanuts and lemonade.
When we get home you tell us what you’ve been doing. About a half hour later, Mom asks you what you want for dinner.
“Can we order out for pizza and eat it downstairs in front of the TV?” you ask.
“Well, we haven’t done that in a while,” she replies. “I suppose.”
After pizza and more soda-and another two hours of TV—you ask for some Cocoa Krispies before going to bed.
Sunday morning comes and you wake up at about 7:00. You’re not feeling so hot. Your stomach is doing some major aerobic exercises.
“Mom, Dad, I’m not feeling so hot. Can I stay home from church?”
“What’s the problem?” Dad asks.
“My stomach doesn’t feel too good. I think I’d just like to lie down in front of the TV.”
Questions to Think On
• While this may be an extreme example, it’s tempting to use your freedom to overload on a good thing. Have you ever done something like this before?
• What are you most tempted to overdo; TV, junk food, video games, sports, music or something else?
• When we overdo on one thing, that usually means something else has to give. Often it’s reading our Bibles or praying. Do you think Satan wants to distract you from following Christ? How is he doing that in your life right now?
• Mom and Dad: How do you know when to stop or slow down when a good thing is getting to be too much?
What Does God Have to Say?
If you find honey, eat just enough—too much of it, and you will vomit. Proverbs 25:16
But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.