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Writer's pictureJanette

Whose Will?

The will of the Lord be done.

ACTS 21:14

BUT if in parallel to Thine

My will doth meekly run,

All things in heaven and earth are mine,

My will is crossed by none;

Thou art in me,

And I in Thee,--

Thy will--and mine--are done!

W. M. L. JAY

SUFFERINGS arising from anxiety, in which the soul adds, to the cross imposed by the hand of God, an agitated resistance, and a sort of unwillingness to suffer,--such troubles arise only because we live to ourselves. A cross wholly inflicted by God, and fully accepted without any uneasy hesitation, is full of peace as well as of pain. On the contrary, a cross not fully and simply accepted, but resisted by the love of self, even slightly, is a double cross; it is even more a cross, owing to this useless resistance, than through the pain it necessarily entails.


The basis of all peace of mind, and what must be obtained before we get that peace, is a cessation of the conflict of two wills‑His and ours.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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