Our brand new Work in Progress devotional journal has just become available! It is so exciting to have the 4-step process of spiritual fitness in print and ready for your needs. It is designed to encourage and challenge anyone to grow closer to Jesus.
Organized as five weeks of a spiritual life jumpstart, the devotions are on life issues like contentment, criticizing others, purpose, anxiety, worry, joy, love and peace. Each week ends
with a reflection with questions to ponder like:
What has God shown me in the Bible this week?
What prayers has God answered?
Plus tracking intentional out comes like days in God’s Word and revealing faith to others.
The readings, writing space and reflections are flexible enough to be used how the reader prefers. However, enough structure is also pro vided to help those needing ideas or wanting to make a fresh start.
As you would expect from Back to the Bible, the Scripture focus of each devotional is written to model and practice the receive, reflect, respond and reveal process that should be part of taking in God’s Word. It ensures that the reader has opportunity to successfully engage the Bible four or more days per week—where research says life-transformation is found through Holy Spirit opportunities.
Here is one last thing to know about Work in Progress—it’s purpose fully written to be accessible by people who are investigating spiritual life for the first time or need evangelism. So you’ll want to order extra copies to give away.
Click here to order this great resource!