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Subscribe to the Sunday Spiritual Fitness Review Email from Arnie Cole, CEO of Back to the Bible:

July 21, 2024

What President Biden and former President Trump have in common that most of us Christ Followers don’t have

Regardless of which political party you support, I think most of us would agree that after the assassination attempt a week ago, both presidential candidates could use our prayers.

Do you know that President Biden and former President Trump have something in common that sadly most of us older Christ Followers don’t have? Instead of feeling like they deserve a life of leisure and comfort, Biden at 81 and Trump at 78, have chosen to spend much of their remaining days passionately fighting for what they believe is right for you and me.

Additionally, both men have been mocked for their age and beliefs. They have suffered through “assassination” attempts of a completely different sort, too: attacks on their personalities, mental health, and morality. What a list of indignities they have been subjected to as part of the cost of fighting for what they believe in—doing what is right for you and me.

Ever since seeing it in research results, I have wondered why most older Christ Follower’s never consider putting it all on the line like Biden and Trump have done. Eternal life that anyone can have by knowing Jesus—what we have to offer when investing ourselves in the lives of others—is far better than what any politician could ever hope to promise. 

It’s time now, regardless of your “tender” age, to get passionate about Jesus and the lost. Let’s get re-ignited and back into what God has called us all to be—going through life as full-time disciple makers. “Easier schedules and more time comfortably relaxing” sound more like the peace and serenity of Heaven rather than the spiritual battlefield here on earth. 

Bottom Line Upfront: You might say, “Arnie, that is way too big of a step.” Maybe you don’t even know where to start due to a multitude of great reasons. However, today you can start very simply. Help others by taking this 6-minute survey: This is part of the scientific research we are doing of the over 50-year-old crowd in America about what it may take to reignite the passion in their life. But don’t let the age reference stop you, we need all ages to participate.

I want to be able to compare your responses to the broader study. This will allow us to look for significant differences, and possibly draw some conclusions about what it takes to get refocused on the things that truly matter in life and get back on track.

Your help is vital! At least one chapter in a new book I am working on will be dedicated to this research. I hope it will be a three-part series on Repurposing Your Life to be a more effective Christ Follower and disciple maker. My goal is to help people reignite their passion for Jesus by repurposing their life—even at retirement age. 

Please help yourself and others. Take the survey today and discover the incredible plans God has for you: 


I really appreciate your help!

– Arnie

PS. Please pray for me now through August as I focus on the analysis of the surveys and these three books. If you want to receive this message from me every Sunday, you can sign up at the top of this page.​




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